100+ Quick Excel Tips

Unlock the power of Excel® with our comprehensive guide featuring 100+ quick tips! Elevate your spreadsheet skills with expert insights on formulas, data analysis, charts, and more. Discover time-saving shortcuts for maximum productivity.

Whether you're a beginner or advanced user, optimize your Excel experience with our keyword-rich tips for efficient and effective data management. Dive into this ultimate resource for Excel enthusiasts, covering essential functions, advanced techniques, and troubleshooting hacks. Supercharge your spreadsheet proficiency and stay ahead in the world of data manipulation with our carefully curated Excel tips

Excel Functions:

1.     SUMIFS Function:
– Example: `=SUMIFS(C2:C10, A2:A10, “Category1”, B2:B10, “>10”)` sums values based on multiple conditions.

2.     AVERAGEIFS Function:
– Example: `=AVERAGEIFS(D2:D10, A2:A10, “Category2”, B2:B10, “<30”)` calculates the average with multiple conditions.

3.     COUNTIFS Function:
– Example: `=COUNTIFS(A2:A10, “Category3”, B2:B10, “=25”)` counts cells with multiple conditions.

4.     IFERROR Function:
– Example: `=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, E2:F10, 2, FALSE), “Not Found”)` handles errors by displaying a custom message.

5.     TEXT Function:
– Example: `=TEXT(TODAY(), “yyyy-mm-dd”)` formats the current date as “YYYY-MM-DD”.

6.     NOW Function:
– Example: `=NOW()` returns the current date and time.

7.     MATCH Function:
– Example: `=MATCH(“Target”, G2:G10, 0)` returns the position of “Target” in the range G2:G10.

– Example: `=INDEX(A2:F10, MATCH(“Item2”, B2:B10, 0), MATCH(“Category2”, A1:F1, 0))` performs a 2D lookup.

9.     INDIRECT Function:
– Example: `=INDIRECT(“Sheet2!A1”)` refers to cell A1 in Sheet2 dynamically.

10.  HYPERLINK Function:
– Example: `=HYPERLINK(“http://www.example.com”, “Visit Example”)` creates a clickable hyperlink.

11.  COUNTBLANK Function:

– Example: `=COUNTBLANK(A2:A10)` counts the number of blank cells in the range A2:A10.

12.  SUMPRODUCT Function:

– Example: `=SUMPRODUCT(A2:A10, B2:B10)` calculates the sum of the product of corresponding values in two arrays.

13.  SUBTOTAL Function:

– Example: `=SUBTOTAL(109, C2:C10)` calculates the sum using the subtotal function with option 109 (excluding hidden values).

14.  IFNA Function:

    – Example: `=IFNA(VLOOKUP(A2, E2:F10, 2, FALSE), “Not Available”)` handles #N/A errors.

15.  TRIM Function:

    – Example: `=TRIM(”   Extra Spaces   “)` removes leading, trailing, and excess internal spaces.

16.  UNIQUE Function:

– Example: `=UNIQUE(A2:A10)` returns a list of unique values in the range A2:A10.

17.  FILTER Function:

– Example: `=FILTER(D2:D10, B2:B10=”Category1″)` filters values in D2:D10 based on a condition in B2:B10.

18.  RAND Function:

    – Example: `=RAND()` generates a random decimal between 0 and 1.

19.  RANDBETWEEN Function:

– Example: `=RANDBETWEEN(1, 100)` generates a random integer between 1 and 100.

20.  TRANSPOSE Function: 

– Example: `=TRANSPOSE(A1:B3)` transposes a range of cells (switches rows and columns).


Excel Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down (Move between Worksheets):

Example: Press Ctrl+Page Up to move to the previous sheet; Ctrl+Page Down for the next sheet.

  1. Ctrl+’ (Copy Formula from Above):

Example: Select a cell in a column below a formula, press Ctrl+’, and the formula from the cell above will be copied

  1. Ctrl+Shift+K (Insert New Worksheet):

Example: Press Ctrl+Shift+K to quickly insert a new worksheet in your workbook.

  1. Alt+Enter (Line Break in a Cell):

Example: Type text, press Alt+Enter, and then type more text. The text will be on separate lines within the same cell

  1. Ctrl+D (Fill Down):

Example: Select a cell with data, press Ctrl+D, and the content will be filled down in the selected range.

  1. Ctrl+R (Fill Right):

Example: Similar to Ctrl+D, but it fills to the right

  1. Ctrl+K (Insert Hyperlink):

Example: Select a cell, press Ctrl+K, and add a hyperlink to a website or another location.

  1. F2 (Edit Cell):

Example: Select a cell with a formula, press F2, and you can edit the formula directly in the cell.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+U (Expand Formula Bar):

Example: Press Ctrl+Shift+U to expand the formula bar for better visibility while editing long formulas.

  1. Alt+D, L (Create Data List):

Example: Select a range, press Alt+D, L, and create a data list with filters

  1. Ctrl+1 (Format Cells):

Example: Select a cell, press Ctrl+1, and customize the cell formatting, such as font, borders, or number format.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+Arrow (Select Range):

Example: Use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys to quickly select a range of cells.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+L (Toggle Filter):

Example: Apply filters to a range and use Ctrl+Shift+L to toggle them.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+$ (Apply Currency Format):

Example: Select a cell with a number, press Ctrl+Shift+$ to apply the currency format.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+# (Apply Date Format):

Example: Select a cell with a date, press Ctrl+Shift+# to apply the date format.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+% (Apply Percentage Format):

Example: Select a cell with a number, press Ctrl+Shift+% to apply the percentage format.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+^ (Apply Exponential Format):

Example: Select a cell with a number, press Ctrl+Shift+^ to apply the exponential format.

  1. Ctrl+Space (Select Entire Column):

Example: Press Ctrl+Space to select the entire column of the active cell.

  1. Shift+Space (Select Entire Row):

Example: Press Shift+Space to select the entire row of the active cell.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+_ (Remove Border):

Example: Select a range, press Ctrl+Shift+_, and remove borders from the cells.